Reset Info and Progression 

Every character can perform a reset on our server at maxiumum regular level - 400.
To reset character simply use /reset command in game. It cost ZEN - more with each reset.

Command? Reset Master Level? Remove items? Stat reset? Cost?
/reset at level 400 No No Yes, and you gain 1000 points per reset ZEN

You will be moved to the town and your points will reset.Then new points will be added based on your reset.

After 100 Resets you gain Special Rewards - depends on the Server. Check below settings for x50 and x500 realms. 

Curency is automatically added to your Ruud/GP/Wcoin and items are added to your "K" Inventory. 

x50:     After 128 Resets Gain 100WCOIN + 100Goblin Point + 1000 Ruud
x500:  After 128 Resets Gain 50WCOIN + 100Goblin Point + 1000 Ruud
Reset reached on x50 Reset Reched on x500 Eternal Reward
129 Resets 129 Resets 129 Resets 50.000 Goblin Points - Max stat points for all classes. 
All Resets Above this point Give WC, 100GP, 1000 Ruud. 
140 Resets 150 Resets 150 Resets 50.000 Goblin Points
150 Resets 180 Resets 180 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
160 Resets 210 Resets 210 Resets 5.000 WCOIN
170 Resets 240 Resets 240 Resets Ring of Ultimatum +15+FO
180 Resets 270 Resets 270 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
190 Resets 300 Resets 300 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
200 Resets 330 Resets 330 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
210 Resets 360 Resets 360 Resets 5.000 Wcoin
220 Resets 390 Resets 390 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
230 Resets 420 Resets 420 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
240 Resets 450 Resets 450 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
250 Resets 480 Resets 480 Resets Jewel of Full Option
260 Resets 510 Resets 510 Resets 100.000 Goblin Points
270 Resets 540 Resets 540 Resets 2x Jewel of Luck
280 Resets 570 Resets 570 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
290 Resets 600 Resets 600 Resets 10.000 WCOINS
300 Resets 630 Resets 630 Resets 10.000 WCOINS
310 Resets 660 Resets 660 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
320 Resets 690 Resets 690 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
330 Resets 720 Resets 720 Resets Jewel of Excellence (Random)
340 Resets 750 Resets  750 Resets  Jewel of Full Option
350 Resets - 1000 Resets 760 Resets - 1000 Resets 760 Resets - 1000 Resets 100 Credits for each reset

Items will appear in your gremory case in-game (K)
You have 1 Day to claim them.